Logan Hospital
Year of baby's birth
Satisfaction with care from midwives:
Satisfaction with care from obstetricians:
Satisfaction with care from GP:
Satisfaction with quality of processes/facilities:
Satisfaction with birth experience overall:
Model of care
Midwifery clinic (pub. hosp.)
Why did you choose this model of care?
I thought my only choice was between midwifery care or GP care and knew midwifery would be better than outdated GP care
What were your choices for this birth?
Support for normal vaginal birth, Unmedicalised birth process, Birth support team of my choice (no visitor restrictions)
How did your birth start?
Induction of labour
What were your outcomes?
Staff I didn't know attending me, Birth support team of my choice, CTG monitoring (continuous monitoring of baby's heartbeat), Induction/augmentation of labour, Instinctive pushing (ie not coached), Vaginal birth, Obstetric violence (eg denied care, forced into decisions, touched without consent, yelled at)
Did you feel you could say No to care/treatments offered (or change your mind about your choices) at any time?
Details of experience
Huge failure on informing me of nearly all risks vs benefits. Unnecessary induction, I wasn't informed of risks or informed that there were other options.